The Louine Schaufler Youth Poetry Contest – MIDDLE SCHOOL

The Louine Schaufler Youth Poetry Contest was established by the South Dakota State Poetry Society in order to encourage poem-making by South Dakota students. The contest is open to students in South Dakota middle and high schools. The 2023 Contest had 65 middle school entries and 13 high school entries. Contest judges for 2023 were Holly Moseley, Camp Crook poet and SDSPS Board Member, and Ruth Harper, Brookings poet and SDSU Emerita Professor.

At SDSPS, we appreciate the excellent South Dakota educators who teach and encourage poetry writing among our state’s students. We encourage young writers to continue looking for opportunities and outlets for their work, including submitting work to our own publication—Pasque Petals. And we warmly welcome all students who submitted to our 2023 contest into the community of writers in South Dakota!


Eden Hitchcock, Grade 7
Edison Middle School, Sioux Falls SD

The Wind Has Nimble Hands

The wind has nimble hands
That slither under hay
And blow it far away
Across the distant lands.
The wind has nimble feet
That tiptoe and retreat
That run with all their might
Far, far out of sight.
The wind has nimble tongue
That sings to all who hear
To every waiting ear
And gossips to the sun.
The wind has nimble hands
That beckon and demand
That lift birds to the sky
And bid them all goodbye.


Nykko Imel, Grade 6
Edgemont Middle School, Edgemont SD

Dirt Bikes

Don't die
In the hills
Ride like you got nine lives
The track will make you better
Buy and sell
In the plains
Kick that shifter
Ease through the track the first time
Southern Hills ride.


Eli Ellsworth, Grade 8
Mickelson Middle School, Brookings SD

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
Is neither a curse nor a blessin’,
‘Cause the weather in this land,
Will always keep you guessin’.

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
Is as monotonous as the Midwest Goodbye.
‘Cause by the time I make it to the door,
I’ll be fed another piece of apple pie.

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
Is as intense as all the sports.
‘Cause when my superstars are hurt,
I’m forced to watch my last resorts.

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
Means more freedom for a maker.
‘Cause by age 5,
I’ve harvested half an acre.

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
Is as jolly as Christmas.
Except when winter gets windy,
That’s when it gets vicious.

Growin’ up in South Dakota,
(thinking back on it now),
Is a great big blessing.
Even wakin’ up to the beeping of a snow plow.


Norah Miller, Grade 6
Edgemont Middle School, Edgemont SD

Ranching Acrostic

Round up cows
Napping after work
Cows wander the fields
Hay bales
In the pasture
No days off
Going to work


Letter from the President: On the Road Again!


The Louine Schaufler Youth Poetry Contest – HIGH SCHOOL