The Louine Schaufler Youth Contest: MS Winning Poems

Congratulations to the winners of the MS portion of the Louine Schaufler Youth Poetry Contest! Thank you to everyone who submitted to the contest. Thank you to our judge Holly Moseley. Enjoy the poems :)

First Place"Burning Feelings"By Samuel CaughertyRising flameBillowing smokeAncestral beauty collapsesAlarms sound,people rushto savewhat is leftbutit is far too latethe smoke has left its scarthe scent makeseyes stingtears welland they slowly roll down the cheekcan’t help but rememberwhat wasand what will never be againMemories,Beautiful hills,Unforgettable sitesbecome forgottencharredand lostall thats left is the ground beneath the ashesHow could life ever come back here?

Second Place"Ode to Trap Shooting"By Brooke Ver HeyOh, the gun I grip so tight,I hold it up with all my might,With a loud "PULL" the target is off,Oh, I sure hope I don't miss my shot,The bright orange targets that glide in flight,They sure do soar and take great height,With a big bang and no time to spare,The target that was flying shattered mid air,As I unload my gun with a smile on my face,With hope that I keep that same steady pace,When I think I'm done-The day is still young,So I continue to destroy targets all day long. 

Third PlaceUntitledBy Seija SaundersThe simple act of floating,Floating, flowing by.When ice floats it seems to be footnotingThe simple act of floatingBy those quotingThis guy.The simple act of floating,Floating, flowing, bye. 


The Louine Schaufler Youth Poetry Contest: HS Winners


The Sound of a Poem