Sioux Falls Poetry Course for Senior Citizens

By Linda Hallstrom

Chronic Poetry

Inspired by Sarah Yerkes, a woman who started writing poetry at the age of 96 and published her first book at the age of 100, two Sioux Falls women will be teaching a poetry writing class for senior citizens this fall.

Linda Hallstrom and Dr. Rosanne Kirts are offering the course through the school district’s Community Education department.

“We call it ‘chronic poetry’ to honor one of the poems that Yerkes wrote,” Kirts explained. “In her poem Puzzles, Yerkes says that poetry replaced Sudoku as her ‘bane to bear.’”

Hallstrom and Kirts hope that their students will find poetry to be an easy and enjoyable hobby, like Sudoku or crossword puzzles.

“With just four sessions, our intent is to introduce people to poetry writing and help them decide whether poetry is a hobby they might enjoy,” said Hallstrom. “We plan to keep it fun, interactive, and low-key.”

The in-person course starts Monday, October 18. Cost of the course is $25. For more information and to register visit the ComEd info page at


Reflections on Teaching A Poetry Course to Seniors


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