SDSPS Announces Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity

At its June meeting, the SDSPS Board of Directors established a mini-grant program to award matching grants for projects that support South Dakota poets and poetry.  The program is effective immediately and applications are open.

Up to four SDSPS Mini Grants of up to $250 each will be awarded annually. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, but must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the project’s start date.  Any SDSPS member in good standing may submit a proposal by emailing the following to

  1. A cover letter summarizing the request and indicating how the proposed project helps SDSPS fulfill its mission.
  2. A Project Narrative that includes the following sections:

  • Overview: Describe the project in 2-3 sentences.
  • Needs Statement: What need does this project meet? Who will it serve?
  • Project Description: Describe the project in more detail, including a timeline and personnel (including volunteers) who will carry it out. Include start and final dates for the project.
  • Assessment: How will you measure the success of your project? How will it help SDSPS fulfill its mission?
  • Project Budget: Include a budget that indicates how requested funds will be spent as well as where matching funds will be secured. Requested funds may be up to $250 in matched dollars.

SDSPS shall be recognized as a sponsor at all activities of the projects that receive an SDSPS Mini Grant. Specifically, information about joining SDSPS and/or submitting work to Pasque Petals shall be made available to all people associated with or attending the project or event.

A final report of awarded projects shall be submitted by email no more than 30 days following the final date of the project, and shall include the following:

  • An overview of the completed project.
  • An evaluation of the completed project using the measures that were proposed in the original proposal
  • A financial statement indicating how the funds were spent.
  • Receipts corresponding with the income and expenses on the financial statement. 
  • Copies of any program or print advertising for the project, and/or links to any online materials to show that SDSPS was recognized as a supporter and that participants received information about how to join SDSPS and submit to Pasque Petals and SDSPS contests.

We invite questions about the SDSPS Mini Grants and proposal process by email at  We look forward to hearing SDSPS Members’ ideas for furthering the enjoyment and creation of poetry in South Dakota.


SDSPS Announces Mini-Grant Opportunities


Serendipitous Writing