Great Plains Writer's Conference

Readings and Book Signings

Featured Writers: Heidi Czerwiec, Barbara Duffey, Patrick Hicks, Christine Stewart-Nuñez and Steven WingateWomen Poet's Collective: Lysbeth Benkert, Heidi Czerweic, Barbara Duffey, Jeanne Emmons, Lindy Obach, Marcella Remund, Christine Stewart-Nuñez, Norma Wilson

Workshops, Craft Talks & Roundtables

Making Fiction out of Nonfiction Digital Literature: What it is and Why Humans Do ItMaking Shapely Hybrids: Poetic Form in Flash ProseRoutes to Publication Sentence Craft: How to Write Spellbinding SentencesIntelligence Amplification: Using Computers for Automatic Writing

Manuscript Critiques

For an additional fee, you may submit a manuscript for critique by one of the featured writers or writers in the Women Poets Collective.Please contact for details.Manuscript deadline: February 23

All readings are free and open to the public. All workshops, craft talks, roundtables, and manuscript consultations require registration:

Early Registration (before February 28, 2018): $55Regular Registration (before March 16, 2018): $75Student Registration (youth or university, before March 16, 2018): Free**Although this is free, we still need participants to register!To Register, contact Tiffani. Pirner@sdstate.eduSponsored by the English department at South Dakota State University.


Vintage Poetry- Prairie Love Song


Vintage Poetry- Revelation