Call for Poems!

Call for PoemsThe South Dakota State Poetry Society (SDSPS) seeks poems for its Spring 2015 issue of PASQUE PETALS. We do not accept previously published work. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else.Submit up to five poems in the body of your email OR as an attachment as well as a brief bio highlighting your primary connection to South Dakota (for example, you live in, were born in, were educated in, or have visited South Dakota).Send your submission to pasque.petalsATgmailDOTcom with the subject line: MAGAZINE SUBMISSIONDEADLINE: February 1, 2015Christine Stewart-Nuñez, SDSPS board member and author of five books of poetry, will be this issue’s editor. Editor’s note: I favor strong imagery, but I also appreciate good narratives and exceptional use of music (rhythm, rhyme or any repetition of sound) in the poetry I accept for publication. I tend to eschew wordiness and long lines (unless prose poetry) that would make the poem difficult to layout on a page. If you use punctuation in a poem, please use it consistently and correctly per the rules of standard edited English; I do make exceptions for poems that use diction from other dialects of English.


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